Please get in touch early to register your interest in supplying to the project, should planning permission be approved

Have Your Say

You can voice your opinion by registering and leaving feedback.

Interest Registration Form

Thank you for choosing to register your interest as a supplier.

Fields marked * are compulsory.

Contact information

Company information

Company type

Relevant experience

Do you hold any policies or accreditations that apply to the following (please tick all that apply)?

Legal status

Would your supply chain for contracting to the Blarghour wind farm potentially include any other locally / regionally based companies?

Please note:

Under the Data Protection Act of 1998, the information that is provided will be used to keep you updated on our activities and to contact you upon construction contract tendering. Information submitted will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and your personal details will not be passed onto any third parties.

register suppliers