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Blarghour Wind Farm

Site Location

The site location is shown on the following plan

What is  currently being proposed?

The design of the wind farm has undergone several iterations. The project initially proposed up to 22 turbines proposed. Consent was granted for 17 turbines up to 136.5m to tip. A variation will be sought to increase the tip height to 180m to tip and a reduction in turbine numbers from 17 to 14.. 

The consented original layout can be viewed here 

The consented variaiton layout can be viewed here-  Blarghour_S36C_layout.pdf

Why Blarghour?

Coriolis Energy identified the site as having potential for a wind farm for the following key reasons:

  • The area was considered likely to have a suitable wind speed
  • The site is relatively remote from local settlements and dwellings
  • Absence of statutory nationally designated areas/sites of landscape. cultural or natural heritage importance
  • Close proximity to the A819 for component deliveries
blarghour wind farm