Please get in touch early to register your interest in supplying to the project, should planning permission be approved

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Blarghour S36C Variation Application Submitted 06 March 2023

The Blarghour S36C Variation Application has now been submitted. Consultation will now run until 2nd May. The application reference is ECU00004754.

Any representations to the application may be submitted via the Energy Consents Unit website at www.energyconsents.scot/Register.aspx or by email to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit mailbox at representations@gov.scot or alternatively by post to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation.

Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to the address stipulated will receive acknowledgement.

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